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A rave about  MAGNETS...

i BELIEVE THAT MAGNETS ARE AN EXTREMELY EFFICIENT ENERGY STORAGE MECHANISM. e.g.: A "samarium-cobalt magnet", although relatively fragile, is a very powerful magnet that has a non-working shelf-life estimated at 400x years. I have had several magnets working against the force of gravity for over 10x years now - (2014). The MAKING of permanent magnets is NOT very efficient - at the moment. However, the inherent efficiency of magnetic energy-storage more than makes up for this. I believe that it is possible to construct a "magnetic-motor". This concept is NOT a "perpetual-motion machine". PERPETUITY is more than a very long time - it is forever...I agree with the - (2nd?) - Law of thermodynamics that a PERPETUAL motion machine is impossible. However, I think that we need to extend our concepts of EFFICIENCY!

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